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Tell us about your project ?


Do you ever dream about having an extravagantly styled room? Offbeat? Impossible?
Tell us about your dreams, goals, projects, in just a few words…
We’ll find the ideas!

    Nom / Name (*)

    Email (*)

    Sujet / Subject



    Visit our showroom of Lavérune - Montpellier

    Our showroom is a treasure trove of ideas. 15 bathrooms of different styles to inspire and stimulate the imagination…

    Hundreds of references, furnishings, ceramics, lamps, sanitary fittings … a showroom, an exhibition hall… a museum.

    Richard Carrelages - Made In Lavérune
    ZI Sud - 6 Rue du Gua
    34880 Lavérune - FRANCE
    Tél . 04 67 27 47 44
    Showroom : Monday to Friday - 9h-12h I 14h -18h By appointment only - Depot : Monday to Friday - 9h-12h I 14h -17h